Waterfronts II Condo Rulebook

2025 Waterfronts II Condominium Handbook

This handbook is a summary of the Condominium Declaration and Bylaws, together with rules and regulations, enacted by the Waterfronts II Condominium Board of Directors.

Our goal is to provide unit owners and occupants a quick and easy reference guide for our collective health, safety, comfort and enjoyment.

These rules and regulations are intended to supplement, not replace,

the Declaration and Bylaws, as amended, which are recorded with the County and are available at LeyPropertyManagement.com. If there is an inadvertent discrepancy between what is expressed in the rules and regulations and the recorded governing documents,

the Declaration and Bylaws will govern.

Please keep the link, QR code and/or a paper copy accessible

so, you, your guests and occupants can refer to it easily.

Contact Ley Property Management for further information or assistance.

Table of Contents

Contact Us

F: (419) 732-0198

PO BOX 164
GYPSUM, OH 43433


  • Offensive activity that may endanger the health of or unreasonably disturb any occupant is not permitted to be carried on in any unit or upon the condominium property.

  • Occupants of units and their guests may use the recreational amenities provided by Waterfronts II Condominiums. When unit owners rent their units, the right to use the recreational amenities transfers to the occupants, and the unit owners are not permitted to use the recreational amenities unless they are guests of an occupant.

  • All landings and stairways, whether located in front and/or behind a unit, must be kept free of any articles such as rafts, recreational equipment, lawn chairs and bikes. For safety purposes, climbing onto the landing or stairway railings, jumping off the landing or stairs, or using recreational equipment within these areas is prohibited.

  • Flammable fluids are not permitted to be stored in a unit, within the stairwell or on the landing of any unit, except charcoal lighter fluid for grills.

  • Personal property such as tables, chairs and flotation devices is not permitted to be stored or left in the shared common areas between 10 pm and 7am.

  • Laundry, clothing, swimwear or beach towels are not permitted to hang outside of a unit, including on the pool fence.

  • Fish cleaning is prohibited on the grounds of Waterfronts II Condominiums. Fish remains are not permitted to be discarded anywhere on the property, including within any trash containers or the lake.

  • Throwing stones is prohibited on the condominium property.

  • All bicycles must be kept in the provided bicycle racks when not in use. Bikes must be removed October 15 – April 15 unless they are registered and tagged through the management company. Bikes that are not registered and not tagged after October 15 will be removed from the property and donated to a local organization.

  • Feeding of birds is not permitted on the condominium property. Please do not disturb the wildlife.

  • Littering is illegal in Ohio and thus, is prohibited at Waterfronts II Condominiums. Litter includes garbage, trash, waste, ashes, cigarette butts, cans, bottles or anything else of an unsightly or unsanitary nature.

  • Trash must be placed in dumpsters. Do not store trash bags within the stairwells, on the landings or any other place on the condominium property.

  • Furniture, appliances and other bulk items should not be placed within or outside of the dumpsters. Occupants must remove oversized furniture, appliances and other bulk items from the condominium property on their own or call property management to arrange for disposal. A hauling charge may apply, which will be the responsibility of the unit owner.

  • The Association’s grills are an amenity that are to be shared by all occupants. Gas grills and other types of open-flame cooking devices are prohibited on the condominium property. Occupants must not empty the ashes or move the grills. If a grill is full, notify the property management company.


  • Each unit is assigned a mailbox by the United States Post Office. Any posting on the mailbox structure or mailboxes is prohibited unless approved by the Board.

  • If you would like to receive mail at your Waterfronts II Condominium, you must email Genevieve.m.goodrich@usps.gov with the unit address and the last names of mail recipients. (If email is no longer valid, call the Port Clinton Post Office @ 800.275.8777.)

  • Mail service is a unit owner’s responsibility and the Post Office strongly encourages unit owners to empty your mailbox at least every 10 days.


  • Fireworks are prohibited on condominium property in accordance with Port Clinton Ordinance 17-22 that prohibits fireworks within Port Clinton city limits.


Waterfronts II Condominium “quiet hours” are 11 pm – 7 am.

  • Outdoor noise levels that exceed 60 dBa (decibel level) between 11 pm and 7 am are prohibited. This outdoor noise level (60dBa) cannot exceed 45 dBa noise level inside the condo even with the windows open. An outside example of a 60 dBa is soft conversation or a car running.

  • Sound from within a condo - including but not limited to music, televisions and voices - must be kept at a level that keeps the sound within the confines of the condo so as not to disturb adjacent units. Noise that can be heard inside a condo from the outside, the stairwells or from within a neighboring condo can be considered an unreasonable disturbance and is prohibited.

  • In general, noise that unreasonably disturbs any occupant is prohibited.

  • TIP: Free decibel meter apps are available for iPhone, Android and other devices. If asking the Association to enforce a noise violation, please include screen shots of the decibel reader and videos/photographs of the violation if possible.


Waterfronts II Condominiums is a smoke-free property except for:

  • within units

  • the permitted grassy area that is bordered by West Lakeshore Drive, both entryways and the parking lot

For clarification, smoking is prohibited in the stairwells and landings, on the sidewalks, in the parking lot, between the buildings and on the lakeside of the condominium property.


  • Except as otherwise provided in the rules and regulations, unit owners, occupants and guests are not permitted to hang or display anything on the outside or inside of windows or the outside walls of a building. Signs, awnings, canopies, shutters or any other device or ornament are not permitted to be affixed to or placed upon the exterior walls or roof.

  • One professionally prepared sign per unit advertising the unit “For Sale” or “For Rent” is permitted on the interior side of unit windows facing the parking lot only. The sign may not exceed a vertical dimension of 25 inches and a horizontal dimension of 16 inches. Background color must be white or black.


No lifeguard is on duty! Swim at your own risk

  • The beach, pool, spa and other condominium amenities are for the use of occupants and their guests. All restrictions are done so in the name of maintaining the health and safety of owners and their guests of the Waterfronts II Condominium Association. The maximum number of guests using the beach, pool or spa at any given time is eight per unit. Guests using pool or spa areas must display passes during use.

  • Persons using the beach, pool and spa are doing so at their own risk. The Association, its Board of Directors, unit owners and occupants, managing agents and employees will not be held liable for the action(s) or inaction(s) of anyone using these recreational amenities. Trespassers are prohibited.

  • Smoking is prohibited within the fenced pool and spa area, the beach, as well as the concrete beach deck outside the fence.

  • Pool and spa hours of operation are 9 am to 11 pm during regular season (weather permitting). Spa hours may be extended beyond regular season. Extended hours of spa operation will be posted during extension periods. The pool and spa may be closed at the discretion of the Board of Directors or management company due to inclement weather and on days when the temperature fails to reach 70 degrees Fahrenheit or for any safety or health reasons.

  • Persons under the age of 12 are prohibited from using the pool or spa unless accompanied by a responsible person capable of giving assistance in the event of injury or incapacity. Persons under the age of five are prohibited from using the spa.

  • Swimming alone in the pool or spa is discouraged.

  • Personal flotation devices that are permitted in the pool include kickboards, noodles, arm floaties, life jackets and floats that do not exceed 32” x 32”. For everyone’s safety, flotation devices that exceed 32” x 32” are prohibited including rafts and inner tubes. 

  • Tampering with, moving or removing pool and/or spa equipment is prohibited. Unit owners may be held responsible for the cost of any damage to association-owned property, including the recreational amenities and equipment, caused by their occupants or their occupant’s guests. Contact the property management company immediately if there is an equipment problem. 

  • Proper swimming attire must be worn at the pool and spa. Cutoff jeans are prohibited. Incontinent individuals are prohibited from using the pool unless they are wearing protective garments such as swim diapers. 

  • All sand must be removed before entering the pool or spa; shower before entering pool area. 

  • Running, diving, pushing, shouting or other behavior that unreasonably disturbs others is prohibited in the pool and spa areas. Tossing balls is permitted if the balls are kept under the control of the participants and do not unreasonably disturb others. Balls must not cause harm to others and must be of soft material (for example inflatable, nerf, or sponge). 

  • Chairs are not permitted to be reserved. If a chair is unused for more than one hour, the articles left on the chair may be removed by management and placed in the pool house for the occupant to retrieve. 

  • Glass products are prohibited on the beach, on the concrete beach deck and in the pool and spa areas. 

  • Using a radio, television, stereo or other sound-producing device without using an earphone that renders the device wholly inaudible to others in the area is prohibited. All devices must be battery-operated. 

  • Failure to comply with beach, pool and spa rules is grounds for immediate removal by the management company and subject to the Enforcement Policy outlined in this rule book. 

Threatening Weather

  • When the weather becomes threatening, pool guests must immediately exit the pool and spa area. Threatening weather includes observed lightening, audible thunder or official storm warning issued.

Supplemental spa rules: 

  • Use of spa is at your own risk 
  • For health and safety reasons and based on manufacturers’ warnings, persons under five years of age are prohibited in the spa 
  • 15-minute time limit inside the spa 
  • The spa is not recommended for anyone who is pregnant 


Household domestic pets (such as dogs, cats, fish and birds), not bred or maintained for commercial purposes, are permitted to be maintained in a unit, provided that:

  • Pets must be kept on a handheld leash and always accompanied by and under the complete control of a responsible person when outside a unit.

  • Pets are not permitted on the lakeside of the condominium property, the beach area or in the pool or spa area.

  • Occupants and their guests may access the lake with their pet by walking on the parking lot side of the condominium property and then between buildings 234 and 236 directly down the metal stairs.

  • Occupants may take their pets between the buildings, provided the pet remains on a handheld leash and the pet remains quiet. Tying, staking, tethering or chaining any pet outside a unit on the condominium property is prohibited.

  • Pet owners must clean up droppings on the condominium property immediately and completely. Place bagged pet droppings in the dumpsters - NOT IN THE LAKE.

Unit owners are responsible for the actions of their pet(s) and the pet(s) of anyone visiting or residing in their unit, including:


  • damage or injury to property or another person or pet
  • the costs of repairing any damage to the condominium property including the cost of replacing grass, bushes or other landscaped areas


In addition to all other remedies available to the Association, the right of an occupant to maintain a pet in a unit may be terminated if the Board of Directors, in its full and complete discretion, determines that the pet constitutes a nuisance or creates a detrimental effect on the condominium property or units or occupants. Examples of behaviors that constitute a nuisance or detrimental effect include:


  • Pets whose unruly behavior causes personal injury or property damage
  • Pets who make noise continuously for a period of 10 minutes or more, or intermittently for a period of two hours or more, to the disturbance of any occupant, whether indoors or outdoors, at any time of the day
  • Pets outside of the unit who are not accompanied by and under the complete physical control of their owner and kept on a hand-held leash
  • Pets who exhibit aggressive, dangerous or potentially dangerous behavior toward any person or pet, such as lunging at any person or pet in a threatening manner on more than one occasion or biting, injuring or killing any person or pet, whether on or off the condominium property, at any time
  • Pets that are conspicuously unclean or parasite infested


  • One professionally prepared sign per unit advertising the unit “For Rent” is permitted on the interior side of unit windows facing the parking lot only. The sign may not exceed a vertical dimension of 25 inches and a horizontal dimension of 16 inches. Background color must be white or black.

  • The unit owner is responsible for tenant violations of the Declaration, Bylaws or the Rules Handbook. All costs stemming from any violation, including enforcement assessments, cleaning, repairs or removal, will be charged to the responsible unit owner’s account. If the unit owner fails to cooperate, then the Board may initiate eviction proceedings against the tenant.

  • The unit owner is responsible for making the tenant aware of, and providing them access to the Rules Handbook. The rental agreement should state that tenants must comply with the covenants and restrictions in the Declaration, Bylaws and the Rules Handbook.


  • Commercial vehicles ¾ ton or more, boats, trailers, campers, snowmobiles, personal watercraft, mobile and/or motorized homes, or vehicles larger than 7’ X 18’ such as an extra-long van are prohibited from the parking areas.

  • Inoperable and/or unsafe vehicles are prohibited on the condominium property. For purposes of this rule, “inoperable vehicle” is defined as a vehicle that is extensively damaged, including but not limited to:
  • rust covering 50% or more of its surface
  • a broken window or windshield
  • a missing tire, motor, transmission or major components
  • exposed sharp metal points
  • expired tags
  • incapable of movement under its own power

  • Vehicle maintenance and repair are prohibited on the condominium property, excluding jumping a battery or changing a flat tire.

  • Vehicles must be parked between the marked lines.

  • Vehicles may not be parked in entrance way areas, fire lanes, grass or lawn areas, or in any area not paved or specifically designated for parking.

  • The Board may enforce such regulations or restrictions by levying enforcement assessments, having such vehicles towed away and stored at the owner’s expense, or taking such other actions that are available to the Association as the Board deems appropriate.

  • Fueling or storage of fuel for personal watercraft is prohibited anywhere on the condominium property.


  • Both front and rear entrance doors must meet state and local fire code standards, be of uniform design approved by the Board, and painted white on their exterior surface. Unit owners are responsible for maintaining, repairing and replacing front and rear entrance doors.

  • Storm doors (both front and rear) must be full view, white and of uniform design approved by the Board. Hardware must be uniform in type and color approved by the Board. Unit owners are responsible for maintaining, repairing and replacing storm doors.

  • Storm doors (front) on the parking lot side of the units are not mandated.

  • If some units do not have rear entrance storm doors because they previously removed the door without Board approval (unless removed within the last nine months) or removed with Board approval, the Board cannot compel owners to buy and install new storm doors.

  • Nothing may be hung or displayed on the outside or inside of unit windows.

  • Unit owners must maintain screens and windows in a secure fashion without tears, cracks or broken glass.

  • All window coverings, blinds and curtains must show white, off-white or beige from the exterior side. The use of blankets, sheets or other materials that are not manufactured for the purpose of serving as a window covering are prohibited to be used.


  • Unit owners are responsible for the actions of their guests and renters. If you are renting your condo YOU need to provide the Rules to your renters.

  • Complaints concerning the violation of the rules and regulations must be made in writing to the management company.

  • The names of complainants will remain anonymous. However, in the event of an enforcement assessment hearing, or court hearing, copies of complaints and the complaining party identity will be made available to the alleged violator.

  • Policy and procedure cannot replace courtesy and the need to communicate. Neighbors talking with each other in a non-threatening way can achieve quicker results. Our community spirit lies within each occupant.


  • The unit owner is responsible for any violation of the Governing Documents by the owner or the guests, occupants or tenants of the owner’s unit. All costs stemming from any violation, including enforcement assessments, cleaning, repairs or removal, will be charged to the responsible unit owner’s account. The entire cost of a legal remedy to impose compliance, including court costs and attorneys’ fees, will be assessed to the account of the responsible owner.

  • Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, the Board has the right to proceed, immediately or otherwise, with legal action for any violation of the Declaration, Bylaws or Rules as the Board, in its sole discretion may determine.


  1. Verify and document the violation using photos, dates, times and when possible, also include witness statements, address/name of unit owner or condo occupant/renter involved in the violation. Anonymous complaints do not provide the Board with enough evidence to proceed further with enforcement.
  2. Send documentation to the management company who will reply to the complainant and confirm receipt of rule violation notice.
  3. The management company and/or onsite maintenance manager will contact the unit owner and may approach the alleged violator following the receipt of each complaint.

All violations are subject to a $100 fine PLUS all costs stemming from any violation, including enforcement assessments, cleaning, repairs or removal, and will be charged to the responsible unit owner’s account.

In addition to any other action and if applicable, in accordance with the procedure outlined below, the Board may levy an enforcement assessment:

  • for damages and/or cleaning of the condominium property
  • per occurrence or if the violation is continuous and ongoing in nature, levy an enforcement assessment per day
  • for the approximate cost to physically remove the violation.

Prior to the imposition of an enforcement assessment for a violation, the following procedure will be followed. Written notice(s) will be served upon the alleged responsible owner specifying: 

  1. A description of the violation and/or property damage 
  2. The amount of the proposed charge (or, if unknown, a reasonable estimate of the proposed charge) or enforcement assessment 
  3. A statement that the owner has a right to, and the procedures to request a hearing before the Board to contest the proposed charge or enforcement assessment 
  4. If applicable, a reasonable date by which the owner must resolve the violation to avoid the proposed charge or assessment. 

To request a hearing, the owner must mail or deliver a written “Request for Hearing” notice, which must be received by property management not later than the 10th day after receiving the notice required by Item 1 above. 

  • If an owner timely requests a hearing, at least seven days prior to the hearing the Board will provide the owner with a written notice that includes the date, time and location of the hearing. If the owner fails to make a timely request for a hearing, the right to that hearing is waived, and the enforcement assessment will be immediately imposed; and 
  • At the hearing, the Board and alleged responsible owner have the right to present any evidence. This hearing will be held in Executive Session and proof of hearing, evidence of written notice to the owner to abate action, and intent to impose an enforcement assessment will become a part of the hearing minutes. Within 30 calendar days of the hearing, the owner will be sent written notice of the Board’s decision. 

In the event of an enforcement assessment hearing, or court hearing, copies of complaints and the complaining party identity will be made available to the alleged violator.

The Association may file a lien for an enforcement assessment and/or damage charges which remains unpaid for more than 10 days.


If a dispute between unit owners arises concerning the applicability of Declaration or Bylaws restrictions or the rules and regulations, the aggrieved party may submit a written complaint to the Board detailing the dispute and requesting arbitration. Arbitration will be conducted by the Board as outlined in the Declaration and according to any additional procedures that the Board may adopt from time to time.

In the event a dispute involves an alleged violation of the governing documents or rules and regulations, the complaining unit owner should submit a written complaint to the Board, as outlined in the Board’s adopted Complaint Procedure.


Unit Composition

  • Each unit consists of the space in the building that is bounded by the undecorated surfaces of the perimeter walls, the unfinished surface of the floor, and the unfinished interior surface of the ceiling. Each unit includes all windows, screens and doors, including the frames, sashes, jambs, and the hardware; all fixtures and appliances installed for the exclusive use of that unit; all plumbing, electric, heating, cooling, and other utility or service lines, pipes, wires, ducts, or conduits that serve only the unit and that are located within the bounds of the unit.

Structural Integrity

  • Unit owners are not permitted to do anything in any unit or to the condominium property that could impair structural integrity of the buildings or other improvements.

Right of Entry for Repair, Maintenance and Restoration

  • The Association has a right of entry and access to, upon and through all the condominium property, including each unit, to enable the Association to perform its obligation, rights and duties to maintain, repair, restore and/or service any portion of the condominium property.

Maintenance Repairs, Renovations and Modifications

  • Each unit owner is responsible for maintaining, repairing and replacing their unit and all components of the unit. This responsibility includes repair, replacement and maintenance of all windows, screens and doors, including the frames, sashes, jambs, hardware, furnace, air conditioning units, electric breaker box and all utility fixture repairs expenses that serve only the owner's unit.

Unit owners are required to complete all maintenance repairs, renovations and modifications according to State of Ohio and local fire, plumbing and building code requirements with needed certifications and approvals/inspections.

The Ottawa County Department of Building Inspection is responsible for the administration and enforcement of all applicable Ohio Building Codes pertaining to any alterations to all buildings and structures. Unit owners are required to comply with all local codes and obtain any permits for alterations and improvements prior to any remodeling or renovation project and are advised to consult directly with the County Building Inspectors for applicability.

Ohio building codes are very restrictive as to what work is allowed by unit owners without permits and performed by a non-licensed contractor or contractor not registered in the county. A partial list of improvements and alterations exempt of the permitting and contractor requirement is available in the Ohio UP Codes. Click here: (2017 chapter 1, section 102.10).

Notice of repairs, renovations and scope of modifications must be reported to the Management Company in writing by stating unit owners name, address, explanation of work being done, name and contact information of licensed or registered contractor, and expected duration of the improvements.

Licensed contractors must follow Waterfronts II Condominium Rules. Unit owners are responsible for paying for the repair or replacement of steps and stairwell materials, landscaping and any other condominium property if damaged by contractors, installers or any other action on behalf of the unit owner.

In the event a unit owner shall fail to make any such repair or perform such maintenance, or in the event the need for maintenance or repair of any part of the condominium property is caused by the negligence or intentional act of any unit owner, occupant, contractor or guest of a unit owner, and the cost of repair is not covered by insurance, the cost of such maintenance, repair or replacement may be assessed to the responsible unit owner. The determination that such maintenance, repair or replacement is necessary, or has been so caused, will be made by the Board.


  • A unit owner should obtain insurance against liability for events occurring within their unit, losses with respect to personal property and furnishings, and losses to unit improvements owned by the unit owner. The Association obtains property insurance, also known as casualty insurance, for sudden, unexpected events that happen to the condominium property and units as originally constructed. This coverage does not include built-in or installed improvements or betterments or personal property/contents, which are the unit owner’s responsibility to insure.

  • Only the Board may submit claims against the Association’s insurance policy. The Board may also elect to reduce its insurance coverage to the condominium property and unit interior walls, doors and windows only. Any change in property insurance coverage will be communicated to the unit owners.

  • Unit owners’ individual insurance coverage should coincide with the Association’s insurance policy. It is suggested that you or your insurance agent contact the Association’s insurance agent; contact information is available through the management company.


  • Unit owners must, within 30 days of title transfer, provide the Association the unit owner’s and/or all occupants’ names, home address and phone numbers. Any change in this information must be provided to the Board, in writing, within 30 days of such change

  • Within 15 days of executing a purchase or sales agreement, the unit owner must notify the property management company to make arrangements for an assessment update letter and certificate of insurance for the buyer.

  • The seller also is responsible for providing the buyer with a copy of the Declaration and Bylaws including amendments, the Rules Handbook, unit door key(s) and mailbox key.

  • The management company will coordinate the documents with banks, real estate agents, appraisers and escrow agents. A transfer fee for these services may be charged to the seller and paid out of escrow from proceeds due to the seller at the time of title transfer.


April 1 to October 31

  • If a unit is vacant for 24 consecutive hours...
  • Shut off the main water valve located in the utility closet

  • If a unit is vacant for 72 consecutive hours or more, in addition to the above...
  • Open all faucet valves
  • Turn off the water heater circuit breakers in your fuse box

November 1 to March 31

  • If a unit is vacant for 24 consecutive hours...
  • Shut off the main water valve located in the utility closet
  • Open all faucet valves
  • Open the utility closet door

  • If a unit is vacant for longer than 24 consecutive hours, in addition to the above...
  • Drain down the toilet by flushing once the main water valve is shut off
  • Open all cabinets where water lines and drains are located
  • Turn off the water heater circuit breakers in your fuse box
  • Pour approximately two cups of antifreeze into the drains of the sink, shower and tub. (Non-toxic biodegradable, RV or marine – DO NOT USE AUTOMOTIVE ANTIFREEZE). Once the toilet tank is purged add approximately a quarter cup to the tank and a quart to the toilet bowl.

To avoid the freezing of water and other plumbing lines in the unit, the unit owner is required to always maintain the heat in the unit at a minimum of 55 degrees Fahrenheit, including within all rooms of the unit as well as the porch adjacent to and serving the unit (if applicable). This means the electricity for the unit must always remain on. If at any time the unit experiences a loss of heat in the unit, the unit owner is responsible to immediately report the problem to the management company.

Unit owners are required to:

  • Close and lock windows and storm windows
  • Open the utility closet door and all cabinets where water lines and drains are located when the outdoor temperature is expected to be at or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Provide the management company with a key to enter their units during an emergency and to perform winter inspections

Optional recommended steps:

  • Seal bath fan and dryer vent
  • Check and replace entry door insulation and adjust the threshold to reduce air infiltration
  • Replace damaged or cracked interior caulking around doors and windows
  • Install weather stripping around the perimeter of attic access points – third-floor units


  • Monthly assessments are payable to Waterfronts II Condominium Association through the management company. Payments may be sent directly to the management company in the envelopes provided with the monthly maintenance fee statements. Owners also can sign up for direct automated payment for monthly maintenance assessments to be debited from a checking account.


  • All assessments are due on the first day of the month and are considered late if not received by the tenth day of the month

  • After the late date, an administrative late charge of $25.00 per month will be added for any late payment or on any balance of unpaid assessments

  • Any payments will be applied in the following order:
  • Interest owed to the Association;
  • Administrative late fees owed to the Association;
  • Collection costs, attorney’s fees and paralegal fees the Association incurred in collecting the assessment; and,
  • Oldest principal amounts the owner owes for common expenses or penalty assessments charged to the account

  • Any unpaid assessment may result in collection action, including letters, liens, updated liens, suits for money judgment and foreclosure. Once judgment is obtained, the Association may proceed with post-judgment action, including bank attachment and wage garnishment. Any costs the Association incurs in the collection of unpaid assessments, including non-sufficient bank fees, attorney’s fees, recording costs, title reports, and court costs, will be charged back to the account.

  • While a foreclosure case is pending, partial payments may not be accepted unless, through a formalized payment plan or receiver, approved by the Court. If an owner is more than 30 days past due in the payment of any assessment, the Association may suspend privileges including the right to vote, the use of the amenities or the ability to apply for architectural approval.


  • The rules and regulations apply to all unit owners, occupants and guests; however, federal and state fair housing laws may require the Board to make reasonable accommodations of the rules and regulations or to allow a reasonable accommodation of the condominium property for persons with disabilities, upon request.


  • Membership in the unit owner's Association is limited to the owners of an undivided fee-simple interest in a unit.

  • Annual Meeting of the Association is held in the second quarter of each year on a date and time determined by the Board.

  • Special Meetings of the unit owners may be called at any time by the President or by the Board upon written request of unit owners entitled to exercise one-fourth or more of the voting power of unit owners.

  • Unit owners are entitled to one vote per unit. At any meeting of unit owners, a unit owner may vote in person or by proxy. All proxies must be in writing and filed with the Secretary prior to the meeting. Voting rights of a unit owner may be suspended during a period in which assessments are more than 30 days delinquent.

  • Units must be used for residential purposes only. Unit owners are permitted to rent their unit in accordance with Declaration.

  • Amendment of the Declaration generally requires the consent of 75% of the voting power of unit owners. The consent of all unit owners is required for any amendment affecting a change in the boundaries of any unit or the fundamental purposes to which any unit or the condominium property are restricted


  • Board of Directors shall consist of six board members, each of which must be a unit owner or spouse of a unit owner. No one unit may be represented on the Board of Directors by more than one person at a time. The terms of the board members shall be staggered so that two directors will be elected at each annual meeting, thus serving a term of three years

  • In the event of the death, resignation or removal of a director, that director’s successor will be selected by the remaining members of the Board and will serve until the next annual meeting when a director will then be elected to complete the term of said director.

  • Nominations If the election will occur at an in-person annual or special meeting, owners can submit their name to the Board to be included on the ballot, or, volunteer at the annual or special meeting as nominations are accepted from the floor. If the Board determines that an in-person meeting cannot occur, the Board will provide each owner a “call for nominations” notice 60 days before the meeting, and owners will have 20 days to nominate a qualified individual to be included on the mail-in ballot.

  • Election to the Board by the unit owners is conducted by secret written ballot. At such election, the unit owners or their proxies may cast, in respect to each vacancy, one vote per unit. The persons receiving the largest number of votes will be elected.

  • The Board has the authority to adopt and publish rules and regulations governing the use of the condominium property and the personal conduct of unit owners, occupants and their guests, and enforce the same.


The Association will not tolerate harassment of any owner, occupant, employee, management company, contractor or other party for any reason, to the extent protected by Federal, State or local laws, including but not limited to abusive comments or conduct predicated upon race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, age, sex, disability, pregnancy, genetic information, military status or veteran status. All harassment that adversely affects any other occupant’s living conditions is prohibited. All harassment that adversely affects an employee’s working conditions is prohibited. Harassment can take many forms, including words, signs, jokes, pranks, intimidation, physical contact or violence. Threatening physical harm or property damage is also prohibited.

If an owner, occupant, employee or other person feels that they have been subjected to conduct that violates this policy, the person should immediately report the matter to the management company. Contact the Board of if an owner or occupant is unable for any reason to contact the management company, or if the management company is performing the prohibited harassment or being harassed.

Once the matter has been reported it will be promptly investigated and any necessary corrective action will be taken where appropriate, including use of all enforcement mechanisms provided to the Association under the governing documents.

All complaints of unlawful harassment will be handled in as discreet and confidential a manner as is possible under the circumstances.

The procedure for reporting incidents of harassing behavior is not intended to impair, replace or limit the right of any person to seek a remedy under available state or federal law by immediately reporting the matter to the appropriate state or federal agency.


When to call Port Clinton Police Department

  • Call 911 for an Emergency

  • Call 419.734.3121 Non-Emergency Phone Number for other matters

Call Port Clinton Police immediately if there is illegal activity or if a safety issue is observed. If at any time a unit owner or occupant feels that their health or safety is threatened, the unit owner or occupant should immediately call 911.

Examples include any crime in progress such as a robbery, burglary, prowler or fight.

Other examples of complaints that can be called into the Port Clinton Police Department include unreasonable noise disturbance during quiet hours, trespassers, a credible threat and situations where you are not feeling safe.

For record keeping purposes and for an overall awareness of undesirable activity at Waterfronts II Condominiums, calls and the actions/behaviors that prompted the call to the Port Clinton Police Department should be reported in writing to the management company.

Ley Property Management Port Clinton Office



Police/Fire/EMS Emergencies 911

Port Clinton Police Non-Emergencies 419.734.3121

Ottawa County Sheriff 419.734.4404

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